🤖 at Counter Culture Labs
The OT2 robot is in the far part of the lab, covered in red tape. There is a computer next to it that you can use to connect to it, but your laptop works just as well if you have on the Omni network. Here are a few tips for printing at Counter Culture Labs:
- The strains are in the -80C, in the top-right set of trays. The box is labeled “Art strains”
- The main colors are Pink, Indigo, Teal, Peach, and Fluorescent Yellow. The respective cryo tubes are labeled Pi, B, T, Pe, and Fl. Note that the Indigo tube is labeled B because it looked blue to us at first, but it’s really more of an indigo, so BioArtBot calls it indigo.
- CCL has a handful of 90mm adapters for the OT2. These are laser cut clear acrylic that say “BioArtBot” on either side. Otherwise, we often print using SBS 120mm X 85mm plates. For the SBS plates, we try to re-use them by sterilizing with IPA and UV.
Good luck!